Once we have finished our web site and we have translated it into different languages, we must make an important decision. Although it seems very simple, the consequences involved could make this step detrimental to the SEO of our website.
That way, when someone enters with a German browser, they are automatically redirected to the German site. (This only happens if the German site exists. If not, they will be redirected to the site in the default language.) If a French browser is being used, they will be redirected to the French site, etc. This is very useful for the user and it takes no time at all to set it up. But Is this bad for the SEO?
Vamos a intentar explicarlo con claridad sin necesidad de que tenga que licenciarse en derecho para entenderlo....
Por ejemplo: Mediante la apostilla en un certificado de nacimiento de Rumanía, el estado Rumano certifica la validez de la firma del funcionario que lo emite.
Would you like to translate a WordPress Plugin to another language? Many WordPress Plugins are already prepared for this and can easily be translated by anyone who so desires. In this article, we will show you how to translate any WordPress Plugin into any language. And best of all, you do not have to know anything about programming!
It is much simpler and faster than it appears (if you speak the language fluently).